The const keyword applies only to variables - not to the contents of variables. The following is valid JavaScript (Java's final or Lua's local <const> are analogeous):

const p = {x: 1, y: 2};
p.x = 3;

since p is not assigned to.

const p = {x: 1, y: 2};
p = {x: 42, y: 33};

would be illegal however.

JavaScript provides Object.freeze to make an object immutable (which again only is shallow though!):

const p = {x: 1, y: 2};
p.x = 3;	// illegal

however, once again, this is not recursive ("deep"); sub-objects won't be frozen:

const p = {x: 1, y: 2, obj: {z: 3}};
p.obj.z = 4;	// legal

if you want a deep freeze, you have to write it yourself:

function deepFreeze(obj) {
	if (typeof obj !== "object") return;
	for (const prop in obj) {

if you want it to handle cycles:

function deepFreeze(obj, frozen) {
	if (typeof obj !== "object") return;
	frozen |= new Set();
	if (frozen.has(obj)) return;
	for (const prop in obj) {
		deepFreeze(prop, frozen);
		deepFreeze(obj[prop], frozen);

(and if you want objects to be immutable by default, switch to a functional language)