Cheating Quines

The Trivial Quine

The empty string `` technically is a quine in most scripting languages since it outputs itself - nothing, the empty string - when run.

A Debug Quine

Reads its own source. May not work if the source file has been moved.

Also works if the quine is not loaded from a file (i.e. loaded from a string), as long as no "name" has been passed (doesn't work in the Lua REPL, since there the source will be =stdin).

local source = debug.getinfo(1).source
print(source:match"^@" and"*a" or source)

It could however be combined with load:

A load Quine

Works on Lua 5.1 and later (loadstring or load rather than just load).

s="print(('s=%qt=%q%s'):format(s,t,t))"t="(loadstring or load)(s)()"(loadstring or load)(s)()

A Proper "Constructive" Quine

Simply uses a format string to construct itself.


Thanks to luk3yx for pointing out broken quines & suggesting fixes.