Hi, I'm Lars. Online, I go by the names appguru(eu|lars)?, LMD and most recently, luatic (Lua as in the portuguese word for moon, the name of the Lua programming language).

I'm active to varying degrees on the following sites and services:

You can find most of my projects (excepting the gazillion side projects I haven't finished or published yet) on GitHub. There is also a Lua algorithm repo I'm steadily building up.

Many of my projects are related to the Minetest game platform.

You might also like the homepages of a few friends of mine (in no particular order):

No, the site name is not a typo (or rather, it is an intentional one): "Bloarg" is a portmanteau of blog, blag and blarg (and bloat if you wish).

This blog was made using Jekyll since it allows me to focus on the contents rather than going down the rabbit hole of reinventing the wheel both in terms of static site generators and Markdown parsers. The resulting website is bland, but for how quick Jekyll gets you up to speed it is (for now) worth it.

It may be replaced by something more unique (& written in pure Lua, of course) eventually when I find the time to reinvent the wheel.